To give you an idea of the prices of Christmas trees in Paris, the florist on our corner sells them for this:
125 - 150 cm = 58 euros
150 - 175 cm = 75 euros
Meanwhile, two subway stops away, but still "walking distance" is a "cheap" grocery store Dia that sold 125 - 150 cm trees for 23 euros.
We debated the cost vs. carry quotient and decided to check a third grocery story just around the corner from us. Franprix sold the 125 - 150 cm trees for 26 euros. Deal! We paid a decent price and didn't have far to carry it. Perfect.
All the trees are up (my little mini NYC tree, the 1st tree we had in Paris, and this one).
Then we made the Christmas cookies. There was a misunderstanding of tablespoons and teaspoons and then between baking powder and baking soda, so the first batch had to be thrown out.
Sunday we went to church for the Christingle service, which was quite nice and then to our new favorite restaurant for lunch. Bellies full, we hopped on our local bus #52 again to head home and make the Christmas cookies.
Here are all the pics: