May 27
It was a weird day because we
went to the Unicef store to buy you the little blue car that you nearly
shoplifted at Romain's birthday party. :?
We were 15 mins early so we waited in front. I noticed a homeless man across
the street living in a kind of "Autolib" glass house. He waved but I
looked away. Then I realized he may get your attention and I didn't want to say
"don't wave to the homeless man" and get into a discussion on
avoiding strangers, but he waved at you and you smiled and waved back before I
could get you distracted again. I told you not to wave at strangers and to try
not to look over at him again. "We don't wave to strangers" and
"we don't know if they are nice people or not." (or something like
that). Well within about 1 minute I catch him out of the corner of my eye
moving, and then I watch him ambling quicker and quicker across the street
directly to us, waiving and smiling. "Oh God, oh God" I just keep
repeating. Thinking to myself "I hope this isn't going to go badly,"
as I clutch my large Louie (Louis
Vuitton) bag close to my chest. He comes up smiling, extending his hand and
says, tu veux un Coke? Over and over
again. He tries to shake my hand but I am trying to avoid it and am just simply
smiling and shaking my head saying Non. Non,
merci... Then he reaches for your hand and (cause you're a nice boy) you
extend your hand and shake his. So then he offers his hand to me and I'm not
going to be rude so I shake it. I just keep saying Non to the Cokes and eventually he smiles and turns and leaves.
(sigh). Now we have a longer discussion on how/why not to engage with strangers,
and that you NEVER, EVER go with a stranger for a Coke, a candy, or a puppy.
For n'importe quelle raison.